Anti-Mask Confrontation Highlights Humans Need for Forbearance and brings the question: How Does One Cope with Anger? – The Emily Dahl Foundation

Anti-Mask Confrontation Highlights Humans Need for Forbearance and brings the question: How Does One Cope with Anger?

Much of any in-depth discussion of forbearance revolves around the inappropriateness of anger. In the view of The Emily Dahl Foundation anger and forbearance are to be paired as opposites, as one might a snake bite and its antidote.

It is critically important to note, all the actions one might deem to be good in their lives can be destroyed by anger. The Emily Dahl Foundation would like to point out what would seem to be the obvious, that the dangers of hatred/anger and the value of patience as its antidote. The most common object of frustration and anger for most people most of the time is other people. The eschewing of anger must surely seem so fundamental it hardly needs comment. Yet, when we think about it and read this sad headline on Castanet, righteous indignation and the desire for retaliation appears quite frequently in all walks of life, including religious contexts.

When problems present themselves, we should ask if there is a solution, then what is the point of dejection? And what is the point of dejection if there is no solution?

Is mask wearing not a completely minor discomfort? This practice of such a minor discomfort should be practiced for making major discomforts more bearable.

The irritation of masks can not be argued to be any worse than that of mosquitos, bugs, of hunger/thirst, or the suffering of an enormous itch: why do we not see them as insignificant?

All of us in Vernon should express concern to deny any toehold for these emotions if we are going to find happiness and peace in our lives and our community.

This emphasis on the subject of patience is that its opposite, anger, is that emotion which most clearly undermines the performance of one seeking happiness and the ultimate vow that one has deep inside them to save all beings.

Anti-mask confrontation gets physical at Coldstream business – Vernon News –

The Emily Dahl Foundation

Wednesday, September 8, 2021