The Compassionate Friends annual retreat at Whatshan Lake was a huge success. The weekend retreat ended at lunch on Sunday, September 18, 2022. Sherman Dahl of The Emily Dahl Foundation was in attendance on the last day to meet and present to the group. In attendance was energetic organizer Kelli Rose and many other parents and families. This retreat gives the group of Compassionate Friends some quiet time in nature. A chance to just sit outside or somewhere peaceful with a cup of tea. It may be hard at first while confronting feelings that come up, but try and sit with it, listen to your heart and see where it takes you. Walking in nature can truly help.

Pictures by Sherman Dahl
Kelli Rose has developed the annual retreat at Whatshan Lake into a wonderful "green mental health" opportunity. This helps people to be present in the moment, outdoors in nature. It can be expressed as re-building a connection to your environment and explains that getting in touch with your sense of oneness with the universe can help you to feel less alone. Some call it "grounding", that feeling of being connected to the earth by walking barefoot on the grass, listening to the birds or feeling the wind in your hair. Sherman Dahl stated: "I have come every year since Emily passed away in 2019. This year me and my Frenchie 'Frank the Tank' went for a hike to the Hippie Hole and had a wonderful time with this compassionate group. This helps so much!"

In his presentation to the group, Sherman Dahl shared the work of Joanne Cacciatore who wrote the book "Grieving is Loving". Dr. Jo teaches us that if you love, you will grieve—and nothing is more mysteriously central to becoming fully human. This book is a companion to carry with you throughout your day, to touch in with and be supported by when bearing the unbearable pain of a loved one’s death—whether weeks or years since their passing. Our culture often makes the bereaved feel alone, isolated, broken, and like they should just “get over it”—this book offers a loving antidote. Open to any page and you’ll find something that will instantly help you feel not alone, while honoring the full weight of loss. The Emily Dahl Foundation believes that this beautiful quote from Joanne's book "Grieving is Loving" sums up the connection we all have to the rest of the world if we stop and tune into it: "Every tear you shed, and all the countless tears shed by myriad others throughout time and space have become drops in the vast oceanic story of loving and grieving." Dr. Joanne Cacciatore The Emily Dahl Foundation September 19, 2022 Below is follow up to the successful fundraiser, which was done to raise money for the retreat below. It was a big success on all fronts. File Stories
Wings Vernon hosted sold out Compassionate Friends fundraiser