Saskatchewan carver Ted Ohlsen encourages people to never give up on themselves and to see the beauty in all things.
When Ted Ohlson was accidentally shot and blinded, many thought he would never recover. However, his 56 years working in Saskatchewan's boreal forest proved them wrong. The video below is worth watching and hearing more about the story of TED. On a recent visit I met Elena pictured here with one of Ted's carvings. Elena and I met in Deep Cove in Vancouver through a close friend of mine. We all had tea and discussed life until late in the evening. Elena was a real pleasure to be with. As the night went on and we all told our stories, and it turned out that Elena had also lost one of her children like our family did with Emily. In fact, the friend that introduced Elena to me has also lost a child. So, all three of us reflected on living in the present and enjoying this magical dream we are all in, both the good and the bad. When I got home, I sent Elena one of Ted Ohlsen's hand carved pieces. She sent me a note and said thank you so much TED and she loves it! Thank You TED, Thank you ELENA, Thank you DOUG!! When we realize we are all one, and all is love, there is no pain. Global News Interview With Ted Ohlsen Sherman Dahl The Emily Dahl Foundation November 29, 2023