Emily Dahl Foundation 2025 $5000
SKY Volleyball Scholarship
Application Coming Soon


Left to right in the picture is:
Sherman Dahl, EDF
Cory Hoard, President, Sky Volleyball Club
Kristina Tobler, EDF
Leanne Hammond, North Okanagan Community Foundation
Tom Watkinson, EDF
Troy Lorenson, SKY / EDF

Applications will be reviewed in the coming weeks and the award will be granted around the middle of July, 2024.
This award is for students who have been a part of SKY Volleyball and embody the leadership and compassionate characteristics demonstrated by Emily Dahl.
Leanne Hammond from the Community Foundation North Okanagan said: “It is our pleasure to manage funding for the Emily Dahl Foundation. We know that Emily’s legacy lives on through this incredible award and all the young people who will receive this award in the future.”
This is an exciting award of $5000 which can go a long way towards making a student’s post-secondary dreams come true!
Tom Watkinson of The Emily Dahl Foundation stated:
“This scholarship is meaningful for so many. It will not only help the deserving recipient with their post secondary education costs, but also continues to spread the love and compassion that Emily Dahl demonstrated in her own life. It was powerful to sit with the group discussing the foundation work and to feel Emily’s energy. It is in this light of love that we find true happiness.”
Link to application here:
For more information, please contact Leanne Hammond (CFNO) 250-300-6061, Troy Lorenson (SKY/EDF) 250-550-8769, or Cory Hoard, President of Sky Volleyball Club.

The Emily Dahl Foundation & Cory Hoard, President of Sky Volleyball are pleased to announce that Ava Marginson has been selected to receive The Emily Dahl Foundation 2024 $5,000 Scholarship.
Ava Marginson said:
“The Emily Dahl Foundation is not only a tribute to Emily’s wisdom and grace, but it’s a celebration of her teachings and her purpose. Emily demonstrated the importance of interconnectedness to one’s purpose for us all, an eternal knot. It is incredible to be part of The Emily Dahl Foundation and to join the past recipients is an honor.”
Cory Hoard, President of Sky Volleyball stated:
“Ava Marginson has been a long-time athlete of SKY since she started her club journey at the U14 level. Ava has excelled at volleyball within SKY and for her school teams through the years and all that hard work has earned her a spot on the women’s university team at Trent. Ava’s play is not just what got her noticed and ultimately awarded this amazing scholarship, it was her exceptionally written application and efforts within our community that set her apart. Like the EDF scholarship recipients and SKY athletes before her we will showcase her as an example to all our athletes for years to come. SKY is very proud of you Ava!”
Sherman Dahl, Co-Founder of The Emily Dahl Foundation stated:
“It has been an absolute pleasure to spend time with Ava and her family. Ava understands that the very purpose of life is to be happy. Her warmth and kindness are evident in all that she does. Our family wishes her continued success and growth at Trent University this coming fall.”
“The Community Foundation North Okanagan is delighted to enable our donors to fulfill their philanthropic goals,” said Leanne Hammond, Executive Director of the Community Foundation North Okanagan. “It is our absolute pleasure to manage funding for the Emily Dahl Foundation. Knowing Emily’s legacy lives on through Ava and all the young people who will receive this award in the future is an inspiration. We are truly privileged to be connected to this worthy endeavour.”

This year’s winner of The Emily Dahl Foundation’s scholarship is described as an amazing young man, a gracious athlete and respectful person.
Tyler Henry has been presented with the $5,000 award which he plans to use as he pursues a Bachelor of Science in forensic science at Trent University in Peterborough.
“I am honoured to receive this award. To be able to join Iseult Colclough and Novah Gardner as recipients fills me with joy and happiness,” Henry stated.
The graduate of W.L. Seaton Secondary in Vernon joined Sky Volleyball Club when he was 12 years old. He has played for six years with the club in a variety of positions, but specialized as an outside hitter.
Co-presenters of the award were Sky Volleyball Club and Community Foundation North Okanagan.
Cory Hoard, president of Sky Volleyball, said the foundation and the club received a number of very good applicants who he said were all amazing students and players, and “just really good kids.”
“I want to congratulate Tyler for this achievement, and I believe he epitomizes all the traits Sky wants their athletes to have on and off the court. I have interacted with Tyler off the court, and I have played volleyball against him, and he is such an amazing young man, gracious athlete and respectful person and I know he will put this scholarship to good use.”
Hoard encouraged Henry to continue playing volleyball, and said perhaps one day he could return to the community and coach the next generation of youth and show them the traits that exemplify the Emily Dahl Foundation and Sky Volleyball.
Sherman Dahl, co-founder of The Emily Dahl Foundation, said the very purpose of life is to be happy.
“When the coaches described Tyler to me, it really did impact me and fill me with warmth. His displays of kindness in all that he does is exactly what this world needs. He is the ultimate teammate,” Dahl said.
Dahl said the goal of the foundation, which is named in honour of his daughter who committed suicide in 2019 at age 18, is to cultivate the compassion and kindness that is naturally in everyone.
Leanne Hammond from the Community Foundation North Okanagan said it is their pleasure to manage funding for the Emily Dahl Foundation.
“Knowing Emily’s legacy lives on through Tyler and all the young people who will receive this award in the future is an inspiration. We are truly privileged to be connected to this worthy endeavour,” Hammond remarked.

In Emily Dahl’s wonderful experience in this world, she managed to make a positive impression on everyone whose life she touched. Care, compassion, and love were Emily’s touchstones and the Emily Dahl Foundation, created in her memory, is committed to keeping those key human qualities alive and well.
With that in mind, the Emily Dahl Foundation is delighted to announce support for a SKY Volleyball member who pursues and embodies the same character that Emily so warmly displayed. Emily spent many years at SKY Volleyball, some of her happiest times were being a part of a team, sharing in the camaraderie, friendship, and support that a team provides. Sport has a way of bringing out the best in people: working towards a common goal, honing skills, and sharing laughs are but a few things sports encourage.
According to Emily’s coach Troy Lorenson, “Emily was one of the most empathetic athletes I ever had the pleasure of coaching. She exemplified what it is to be a team player. She went out of her way to make new players feel accepted and to ensure everyone knew they were a valued member of the group. Her blend of confidence, skill and compassion made her a natural leader. To know that her legacy will live on through this generous scholarship is incredibly touching.”
Leadership at the Emily Dahl Foundation recognizes that embarking on post-secondary education is both a commitment of time and financial resources.
Most importantly, The Emily Dahl Foundation points to the importance of self-realization in all that we do, this focus will allow students to better manage both positive and negative emotions.
According to Kristina Tobler, Emily’s close friend and a co-founder of the Emily Dahl Foundation, “Emily was such a caring person. She would be so proud to know that she is still helping make the world a better place. It feels like she is still right there, walking beside the student who gets this award, telling them that we all believe in them, that we want to make the student experience wonderful by helping out financially.”

The student that is selected will also receive one of the handcrafted carvings by Ted Ohlsen. Ted Ohlsen of Flin Flon pioneered diamond willow carvings in the early 70’s. Challenged by the loss of his eyesight due to a hunting accident in 1960, Ted has found diamond willow carving to be a relaxing way of expressing his love for the great Canadian outdoors. The Emily Dahl Foundation shares a similar belief in that “inner engineering” is the key to managing one’s emotions. This approach to self-realization is a key educational goal of Ted Ohlsen and The Emily Dahl Foundation as they work together to help others. Any member of SKY Volleyball is encouraged to find out more about this generous award through SKY Volleyball www.skyvolleyballclub.ca or through the Emily Dahl Foundation.
For more information contact Leanne Hammond at CFNO cell 250-300-6061.
The Dahl Family
The Emily Dahl Foundation
March 21, 2023