The Emily Dahl Foundation and Sky Volleyball Club announces that the application process for the $5000 - 2024 Sky Volleyball Scholarship is now open! Left to right in the picture is: Sherman Dahl, EDF Cory Hoard, President, Sky Volleyball Club Kristina Tobler, EDF Leanne Hammond, North Okanagan Community Foundation Tom Watkinson, EDF Troy Lorenson, SKY/EDF Applications will be reviewed in the coming weeks and the award will be granted around the middle of July, 2024. This award is for students who have been a part of SKY Volleyball and embody the leadership and compassionate characteristics demonstrated by Emily Dahl. Leanne Hammond from the Community Foundation North Okanagan said: "It is our pleasure to manage funding for the Emily Dahl Foundation. We know that Emily's legacy lives on through this incredible award and all the young people who will receive this award in the future." This is an exciting award of $5000 which can go a long way towards making a student’s post-secondary dreams come true! The Emily Dahl Foundation stated: "This scholarship is meaningful for so many. It will not only help the deserving recipient with their post secondary education costs, but also continues to spread the love and compassion that Emily Dahl demonstrated in her own life. It was powerful to sit with the group discussing the foundation work and to feel Emily's energy. It is in this light of love that we find true happiness." Link to application here: For more information, please contact Leanne Hammond (CFNO) 250-300-6061, Troy Lorenson (SKY/EDF) 250-550-8769, or Cory Hoard, President of Sky Volleyball Club.