This is exciting news for both The Emily Dahl Foundation and The Vernon Chapter of Compassionate Friends. The Emily Dahl Foundation has been working with Compassionate Friends since 2019 and supports the work that they do. Helping others understand and work through the loss of a loved one has always been a key goal of both The Emily Dahl Foundation and Compassionate Friends. The event will take place on Thursday, June 22, 2023, at the Vernon Towne Theatre. Theatre Doors will open at 5pm. There will be a wine and cheese reception along with auction items throughout the evening. Presentations will be begin at 6:30 PM with a live stream presentation by Dr. Joanne Cacciatore at 7pm. Tickets for the event will be $25 and will be available online. All net proceeds from the event will go directly to The Vernon Chapter of Compassionate Friends. Corporate Sponsorship spots will be available for this event. Contact Sherman or Lainey for details if you would like to support this event. Sherman Dahl stated: "This is something we have been working on for a number of months. It was Dr. Stan Eamon that first gave me one of Dr. Jo's books - Grieving is Loving. This act of kindness by Stan really impacted me and it was not long after this that Joanne and I met and began to share our stories of the loss of our children. It took a few months for Joanne to fit this in her schedule, but she did, even thought she was already fully booked for 2023. She is an amazing woman, and we are so excited to announce this joint effort with Lainey, the new leader of Vernon's Compassionate Friends. Stay tuned, we will be promoting this event over the next few months. This will help so many people. Everyone has a story of grief and the loss of a loved one, and many suffer because of a lack of proper support in this area of our lives. We have to help each other, and we must have the correct understanding of the depths of our being in order to do this." Joanne's Picture and Bio in this link: Dr. Joanne Cacciatore MISS Foundation Founder and Chairman Dr. Joanne Cacciatore is a bereaved mother and the founder of the MISS Foundation, an international NGO that serves families whose children have died, and the Selah Carefarm, a sustainable restorative community that provides aid to anyone suffering traumatic grief. She is also a Professor and Senior Scholar in the Wrigley Institute of Sustainability at Arizona State University, spearheading the Graduate Certificate in Trauma and Bereavement. Her best-selling book, Bearing the Unbearable: Love, Loss, and the Heartbreaking Path of Grief, is a national award winning best seller that has helped revolutionize the way our culture thinks, and feels, about grief. She works with and counsels families from all around the world who have experienced catastrophic deaths. She served on Oprah and Prince Harry’s Mental Health Advisory Board for several years and was featured in their docuseries ‘The Me You Can’t See.” Dr. Jo, believing that current practices around food production are a social, ethical, and environmental justice issue, is a vegan and hasn’t eaten meat since 1972. She also teaches meditation, mindfulness, and compassion and ahimsa practices to students and clients from around the world. If you’re a provider seeking supervision or consultation, please contact us. Title of Keynote Presentation - Dr. Joanne Cacciatore - Vernon BC - Thursday, June 22, 2023, at The Vernon Towne Theatre What is Good Grief Support (according to the experts, grievers)? "And when we allow ourselves to feel that which is legitimately ours to feel, we rebel against the rigid grief-denying structures of society." - Joanne Cacciatore, PhD For nearly 30 years, Joanne Cacciatore has been working to change the way that grief is regarded in society and treated by professionals. She has worked tirelessly so that people like her, when she lost her child, can learn to cope, and integrate grief in their own time with compassionate and understanding support. She is now a Professor at Arizona State University and has published more than 80 studies about traumatic grief, effective grief support, and how to cope with traumatic grief. She also started the first Carefarm in the world for traumatically bereaved humans come together with rescued animals, both having known trauma, loneliness, fear, and deep sorrow. Her research has found that these animals can be of great comfort to those who are grieving, as Dr. Jo said of herself: "I used to say my dogs and my 3-year-old were the only beings that could stand to be around me without trying to change how I felt — without trying to cheer me up or make me better". The Selah Carefarm is Hebrew which means time to 'pause and reflect’. The care farm was featured in Oprah and Prince Harry’s series ’The Me You Can’t See.' Dr. Joanne Cacciatore Professor, SSW Senior Global Futures Scientist Julie Ann Wrigley Global Futures Laboratory Arizona State University Graduate Certificate in Trauma and Bereavement Watch our work on Oprah and Prince Harry’s docuseries, episode 4 Learn more about our novel work with carefarming and grief “Bearing the Unbearable: Love, loss, and the heartbreaking path of grief” Facebook page Watch the breathtaking story of the famous rescue horse, Chemakoh For more information, please contact: Lainey at 587-343-1285 or Ramona at 250-308-5584, or email Sherman Dahl The Emily Dahl Foundation 250-558-8340