The Emily Dahl Foundation is sad to announce that The Ted Ohlsen Happiness Day is postponed due to the forest fires and Covid concerns in the Okanagan Valley. – The Emily Dahl Foundation

The Emily Dahl Foundation is sad to announce that The Ted Ohlsen Happiness Day is postponed due to the forest fires and Covid concerns in the Okanagan Valley.

Both Ted Ohlsen and The Emily Dahl Foundation are committed to finding another day that will work in the near future. 

Sherman Dahl stated: 

“Ted has taught me that no other person can bring us happiness if he or she does not possess it in himself or in herself. The romantic urge to seek in a second individual that which neither of the two has, can never find successful fulfilment.  This understanding leads one to absorb what Ted has always told others, including all the children he has come in touch with – that ‘happiness is an inside job’. This reality happens to be exactly what The Emily Dahl Foundation knows to be true and is the root of solving the majority, if not all mental health issues and many other illnesses.”  – Sherman Dahl

Call Sherman Dahl, 250 558 8340