A Magical Visit in Saskatoon with Laurie Thomas and Ted Ohlsen – The Emily Dahl Foundation

A Magical Visit in Saskatoon with Laurie Thomas and Ted Ohlsen

Ted teaches us all to stay positive when life throws us the inevitable curve ball.  Ted remembers well when he was young, before his hunting accident, and seeing many blind people in Germany after the war. He reminds us that we take so much for granted, until it happens to you.  

Ted and Laurie shared many stories in this touching and healing visit.  

Ted has found peace in carving diamond willow out of the Saskatchewan Boreal Forest, and always staying connected to the quiet nature within oneself.  

Laurie shared with Ted that after many years later, it doesn’t get any easier to deal with the loss of her son Evan. It just gets different. It’s not easier at all, it’s just different. Keep putting one foot in front of the other and keep trying to do things in a positive way, just like Ted has done. 

The Emily Dahl Foundation