Make Your Neighborhood Beautiful! – The Emily Dahl Foundation

Make Your Neighborhood Beautiful!

The movie "A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood" is a wonderfully heartwarming film. This film is not a biopic on Mr. Rogers but a tale on how he inspired someone to get his life back on track. Based on the true story of a real-life friendship between Fred Rogers and journalist Tom Junod. It's a thoughtful, textured contemplation of how we can effectively deal with our expectations, disappointments and imperfections. The film brings back many aspects of nostalgia for viewers of the original show. 

One of the dear friends of The Emily Dahl Foundation recently watched the film and stated:  

"Just finished watching A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood last evening. What a great movie, great acting and insights about compassion in action." 

For those wishing enhance compassion and love in their lives this a powerful film.