On Sunday, Ivan Rhodes lead the local Kebzeh - Essentialist Church of Christ group in Vernon, BC with a lovely discussion on Rumi and other well-known Saints. Rumi certainly has some wise words for all, and The Emily Dahl Foundation enjoys his teachings. Here is just one of his many quotes from the vast number of writings and poetry created by Rumi that we can enjoy and learn from: “Don’t grieve. Anything you lose comes round in another form.” - Rumi The Essentialist Church of Christ was formed well over a quarter of a century ago, the first Church of its kind to our knowledge, based on the spiritual tradition Ahmsta Kebzeh which is many thousands of years old. The tenets of this teaching are best exemplified by Jesus of Nazareth, whom they hold as a perfect example of a completed, fully functional human being, one who knows his true identity, purpose and at-oneness with God. His teachings are intended to guide those who also wish to claim their birthright which is to be a completed human being and live an abundant life. The aim of this intimate and friendly Vernon group is to make available and facilitate that which may uplift and assist people to reach an abundant life. They seek to apply the teachings of Jesus within our individual lives as well as serve the local community and planet as a whole. For example: their Sanctuary provides a perfect milieu for evenings of “Poetry and Music of Ecstasy,” at which original and traditional poetry and music are presented. The loving Vernon members believe that the master builder of any community is LOVE. In community, love is developed in every aspect: eros love, philos love, agape love, doing love, and generating synergy of love. Love is the predominant element that transforms a group of people into a community. The community is a group of people that see themselves as “One”. This oneness is the synergy created by the resonance of each individual vibrating together with the entire group as a whole. Synergy, in this case, is particularly effective in strengthening the individual and the community in its common goal which is to become fully human and serve each other with spontaneous altruism. One for all, All for one. Their activities include: Sunday Service – 10:00 a.m. All are welcome to attend. Contact For further information, please contact us at our email address: church@kebzeh.org Kebzeh Christmas 2024 Video: