It’s understandable to grieve when those close to you like your parents, family members, or close friends die. The wise Tenzin Gyatso, 14th Dalai Lama has often provided his own experience on loss for the world to learn from. In his case, when his senior tutor, who had taken care of him since childhood, died, he felt like he had lost the rock he had been leaning on. Then it occurred to him that instead of spending time in grief and sorrow he would be better trying to fulfil the wishes of his late dear friend with enthusiasm and determination.
There are so many that were affected by the loss of Emily Dahl in 2019. One of the results has been that thousands have been touched by her love, her energy and her desire to be happy. People all over the world have been focused on fulfilling her wishes with enthusiasm and determination. It is amazing.
EDF Warning: This interview about “The Game Plan” episode of This Is Us contains spoilers!
This content was written by Mandi Bierly, a former deputy editor of Yahoo Entertainment, Mandi Bierly is always looking for a reason to re-share her oral histories of “Frasier’s” “Ski Lodge” episode and “Designing Women.”
Remember how comforted you felt the first time you watched Patrick Swayze deliver the line, “It’s amazing, Molly — the love inside, you take it with you,” at the end of Ghost? You may have experienced a similar emotion at the end of the "Game Plan" episode of This Is Us.
While running lines for Kevin’s play with their uncle and Grandpa William, Randall’s girls asked Kevin what happens when you die. Knowing that his initial answer — death is the end, but it’s natural, and everyone, including themselves and their parents, will do it — wasn’t the best one, he regrouped. He later brought them a Jackson Pollock-esque work of art he’d painted after reading the play for the first time. He explained what it represented: that we all add our color over the canvas, on top of each other, until eventually we’re not different colors — we’re one painting. “It’s kind of beautiful, right, if you think about it: the fact that just because someone dies, just because you can’t see them or talk to them anymore, it doesn’t mean they’re not still in the painting. I think maybe that’s the point of the whole thing. There’s no dying. There’s no you or me or them; it’s just us. And this sloppy, wild, colorful, magical thing that has no beginning and has no end, it’s right here, I think it’s us.”
Here is the short clip from the amazing scene from the series, "This is Us."
The Emily Dahl Foundation followers will love this episode and his explanation to the girls was so touching!
His painting really represents the meaning of the entire show!
The picture of Emily is with two of her close friends Mia and Kendel. On a visit with Kendel back in 2021 she said: " I think about Emily every day and take her with me everywhere I go."
Kendel teaches us at The Emily Dahl Foundation that not one day goes by without thinking about the loss of a loved one. In her own words: ¨Although there are hard days, Emily has taught us to love people unconditionally for as long as you can and cherish every moment with them. That love she has taught us will never perish and is in the kindness, passions, actions and thoughts of everyone. I know people may say hold on to the memories you had with her but every time I make a new memory Emily is along side of each one."
Kendel has made her own painting.
The Emily Dahl Foundation
January 2025 - HAPPY NEW YEAR!